Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The 10 o'clock news

NPSC was featured on channel 7's 10 o'clock news hour tonight.

In addition to some great footage of competitors shooting the Distinguished Revolver Championship, NRA President John Sigler was interviewed. He mentioned the "exchange of ideas" and it reminded me of something he told me in an exclusive NRAblog.com interview yesterday:

"The officers here are exchanging ideas on a lot of things. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there isn't a case that's solved here. We'll never know about it. The exchange of ideas and the exchange of training methods — you have officers from all over the world here — is an opportunity for officers to prove their skills, but also to pick up some new ideas to take home from their department."

Look for the rest of the interview soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent coverage we're really enjoying it! keep it up.