Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Northern Virginia Friends of NRA Dinner

Northern Virginia Friends of NRA Committee Chairman Michael Sacks took a few minutes to answer some questions on what it means to chair a Friends of NRA dinner.

“It’s definitely living up to my expectations,” he said. “It’s a learning experience.” Sacks first became involved in the Friends event when he responded to an e-mail from his state’s field representative asking for volunteers.

Finding dedicated volunteers is the biggest hurdle his committee is facing, Sacks said. “It’s a challenge to try to recruit people to join the committee, to get people involved.”

Sacks has found his work with the committee very rewarding. “We’re able to give back to the NRA for all the support they’ve given us in defending our Second Amendment rights,” Sacks said. He emphasizes that the purpose of the banquet is fundraising for programs, and that the banquets are not political. “The fundraising helps us to promote firearms safety, and to educate children, specifically through the grant program.”

Sacks expects this year’s Northern Virginia Friends of NRA Dinner will raise around $20,000 with something like 250 attendees.

“The benefit is actually kind of selfish. I’m proud to be able to do this. It truly makes me feel good to be able to help.”

If you’re in the northern Virginia area and would like to attend the banquet, tickets can be purchased at the door. The event is this Friday, Oct. 3 at the Waterford in Fairfax, Virginia (next to Fair Oaks Mall). E-mail michael@alecian.com with questions.

To get involved in your community's next Friends banquet, use this map to find local events and your NRA Field Representative.

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