Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When Pigs Fly

I'll quit shooting when pigs fly - NRA Collegiate Shooting

NRA Collegiate Shooting National Manager Tori Croft has a new marketing tool, and it is a hot commodity around NRA headquarters.

"I'm always trying to come up with new and creative ideas for the college kids," Croft said. "They enjoy stuff that can appeal to not only them, but to their family and friends."

Tori Croft and piggie pals

"This year for the championship qualifiers I decided to create a little piggie, which is a stress reliever," Croft said of the foam, pig-shaped stress ball. "My colleague pointed out it could also work as a grip enhancer."

Croft, pictured above with two of her piglets, has about 1000 flying pigs. "Five hundred of them will probably go to the 2009 collegiate shooting championships for rifle, pistol, and shotgun," she said. "The rest we will hand out at events as needed."

If you ask nicely — or maybe if you promise to recruit a few college shooters — you might find yourself in receipt of one.


Chris said...

Those pigs are great!

All the better that they have little wings on them!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cannot say as though I will be able to recruit many people, not being in college any more, but I surely am good at asking nicely... ;)