Saturday, November 1, 2008

NFM's Trick or Treat a success

The National Firearm Museum's first-ever Trick or Treat event was a ghoulish good time yesterday with dozens of participants enjoying the festivities. The slideshow above shows some of the decorations scattered throughout the Museum's exhibits.

Pirate Phil served donuts, apple cider, cookies, and coffee in the lobby. Other museum staff dressed as soldiers and cowboys were on hand, and's ferocious mascot, Fang the puggle, made a guest appearance.

Children disguised as Transformers, witches, pumpkins, zombies, and princesses wandered through the darkened Museum, collecting candy and trinkets from pumpkins lit by glow sticks. Cobwebs and bloody handprints added to the eerie atmosphere, and a soundtrack of creepy sounds echoed throughout the galleries. is challenging Museum Director Jim Supica to outdo this year's festivities with a haunted halloween sleepover in the museum next year. We'll keep you posted!

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