Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday: what to expect

On the docket today are the following four long range matches:

Wimbledon Cup Match #537
Farr Trophy Match #538
"Doc" Aitken Trophy Match #539
Herrick Trophy Team Match #522

Today will echo yesterday's schedule with the first three matches, the team match, and then the shoot-off, which combines the winner of each relay to determine who will go home with the title of 2009 champion of the Wimbledon, Farr, and Aiken matches.

Michelle Gallagher has won the Wimbledon four times in the past decade, but Sgt. Brandon Green took the title last year. SPC Elliott Farro won the Farr last year, and Cindy Forshee won the Aitken. But Kevin Nevius took the Aitken title in 2006.

Tomorrow Palma begins. Palma matches are fired from 800, 900, and 1000 yards. Palma continues through Wednesday, bringing the long range segment of Camp Perry -- and the 2008 National Matches -- to a conclusion.

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